Saturday, April 21, 2007

guess what comes first...

this would be the first page of my blog had I one to write in. sitting in my hideout on the corner of ráday and kinizsi I try to slop away from it all, slip slidin‘ away, I still remember when I listened to it continuously when finishing up the door of dorothea, magrathea the world of fantasy, where I manufactured planets out of thin air and then went bankrupt due to overspending, see the parallel, is surely do, though the unnamable vodka that just dived in suicide down my throat surely tells another tale, it grew in the telling, and tail between by rearfeet I wonder down my own solitary road, indecision, and in the room the women come and go talking of, I was once the same archangel to someone, wore the cross like an ill omen that I would crash down to hell, exiled by the god of all-mighty fucking love, still lingering around in it, my flat is finally becoming flat, slowly the holes in the wall are filling up just like those in the albert hall, septimus tripped on a brick, underconstruction this is, thought it was a mine, that blew his mind, when will mine blow? blow, blow, blow your men down, or something along these lines, wonder when my phone will fall away off the table, when dani rings, if he’s not engrossed in stuffing himself with jewish-easter-shite, do they have one at all? and if so what has it got to do with easter anyway? lemme light a luckylight, silver that is, blasted eu norms, it’s stronger than I remembered, oh dismembered, woe is me, lemme hang my body from the highest tree

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